Powerful, Cost-effective, and Durable: Direct-mail Postcards Are Your Key to a Healthy Return on Investment – Part One

“There are those who believe that knowledge is power. The truth is that applied knowledge is power.”
− Jim Rohn

The reasons that folks go into business for themselves are as diverse and varied as each individual person. Generally, it’s a desire to help others find a solution to some problem or situation, or to supply goods and services, but the overwhelming reason is to generate a profit.

Yet with all of the things that you as a business owner have to do on a daily basis to produce your profit margin, you must make the buying public aware that you are in business, and that you have the solution, or goods and services that they need. That’s where Front Door Advertising comes into the picture.

We here at Front Door Advertising know and understand the complexities and difficulties of getting your brand out in front of the buying public, and exactly how to get your high-value offer into their hands. One of the most powerful avenues you can take is our custom, direct-mail postcards. They’re powerful, cost-effective, and durable.

Whether you’re at the helm of a Fortune 500 company, or a small start-up business, the life-blood of your enterprise is efficient and effective marketing and advertising. And a big part of your success depends on spending your hard-earned dollars on advertising that works for you at a cost that won’t break your budget.

Your job in part requires that you consider any new approach to marketing, and the operative question is, “What are we getting for our investment?” Experienced marketers know that when they spend money on a marketing campaign, they must realize profits in order to justify the expense, and then they need to assess the Return on Investment (ROI).

The ownership and management of every business must determine whether the advertising dollars being spent are cost effective for the ROI. In today’s competitive marketplace, consumers are more discerning and selective with their buying decisions, forcing advertisers to create effective campaigns with fewer advertising dollars.

As we’ve said many times, creating a solid marketing plan, utilizing our custom direct-mail postcards, along with the other avenues that you currently use, will not only boost your bottom line, they will help you capture more market share, and consequently a higher return on your investment (ROI). And after all, that is one of your key indicators in the success of your business.

Here at Front Door Advertising we are committed to one objective: To help you deliver your message to your target market in an efficient, effective, and affordable manner. We specialize in the delivery of direct-mail, and we utilize all of the technical advantages that are now available, such as computerized design and targeted mapping to provide you with custom advertising.
And hitting a receptive audience with a relevant message is a vital part of that process. Front Door Advertising is in the business of not only creating a “sweet spot,” but hitting it with compelling direct-mail postcards that will insure that your advertising investment pays maximum dividends. Our direct-to-door ad campaigns are proven effective, with an unbeatable quality guarantee, and with a track record of high ROI’s for our clients.

In Part 2 of this article we’ll explore the wide range of business applications that a direct-mail campaign can address, and how you can take advantage of the power of direct-mail postcards to boost your bottom line. We’ll also show you how to tap into new market segments, as well as your established customer base, for a fraction of the cost of the conventional methods of marketing your business.

Front Door Advertising offers several examples of custom direct-mail postcards that can be viewed at fdadvertising.com in standard and jumbo sizes. Call us today at 1-888-870-4242 for a FREE quote to see how Front Door Advertising can help your business create a winning direct-mail campaign.