4 Reasons to Utilize Direct Mail Postcards in Your Advertising Campaigns – Part One

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“Deal honestly and objectively with yourself; intellectual honesty and personal courage are the hallmarks of great character.”
− Brian Tracy

It’s five o’clock in the afternoon and you’ve just completed a grinding, marathon marketing meeting with your staff. You’re glad it over, but now that you look back over the notes from the meeting you’re more frustrated than ever. Consensus – that ever elusive commodity – has slipped away again, and your confidence is slipping too.

When you decided to go into business you knew there were going to be difficulties, problems to solve, decisions to make, but having so many avenues to advertise with has become a dilemma that you didn’t foresee when you got into this game. And now you’re faced with which media to use to effectively get your offer out to prospective customers, without breaking your bank.

Take heart. Slow down. Breathe.

You’ve survived this long and chances are that you’ll make it through this bump in the road too.

That’s where we come in to help you make sense out of all this “noise” regarding advertising and its subtle nuances. We know that our direct mail postcards will not only get your advertising message out to your prospective buyers, but they will hit your target market with cost-efficiency and clout.

Business owners often hear things such as, “I don’t ever buy things through mail,” “Big businesses don’t do that anymore,” and “But isn’t e-mail more popular?”

And although technology has changed the direct marketing industry, it hasn’t seriously harmed direct mail marketing. To the contrary, direct mail has been enhanced by web technologies in many ways. Direct mail is great for getting leads to visit a web page, encouraging customers to buy online, or collecting information, including email addresses from prospects.

Direct mail isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, and to prove it, here are four reasons why you should use direct mail in place of e-mail to get the best results.

In-box overload

We all get an avalanche of e-mails each day, and it’s likely that that you get far more than you actually read. Most of us get many more e-mails than we want to read – or are even capable of reading.

We don’t click into each and every e-mail, and many people don’t even sort through their e-mails daily. What that means is that your marketing message, and therefore the basis of your livelihood, might be sitting at the bottom of the “stack.”

When your prospects get around to their in-box, they’re likely to delete most, if not all, of the messages they get. So where does that leave your good sales message?
Most likely it bit the dust.
Sending it was a waste.
You could argue that people throw away snail-mail too, but the numbers are in favor of direct mail here.
A study by Epsilon showed that 77 percent of consumers sort through their physical mail as soon as they get it. Even better, data from the U.S. Postal Service showed that 98 percent of people check their mail daily. That means a lot less “back up” in the physical mail box and a much better chance for your sales piece to get read.
E-mail might have changed the marketing environment for good, but you can use that change to your advantage. Let other businesses focus on e-mail marketing. Let them deal with the massive in-box overload that everyone is experiencing. The competition in your standard mailbox is far less fierce – and that’s where you should be aiming your sales messages.
In Part Two of this article we’ll talk about more reasons to utilize our cost-effective direct mail postcards as an advertising option that will deliver your powerful offer, enabling your prospects to hold and keep it until they make their buying decision.
We know that your intellectual honesty and personal courage will push you forward, and we want to help you capitalize on your efforts. Marketing your business is one of the essential keys to your success and our job is to ensure that you are able to serve your customers far into the future.

Front Door Advertising offers examples of direct mail postcards that can be viewed at https://www.fdadvertising.com in standard 6” x 11” or custom sizes. Call us today at 1-888-870-4242 for a FREE quote to see how Front Door Advertising can help your business create a winning campaign.