Let Door Hangers Hit the “Sweet Spot” for Your Target Market – Part One

“The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. All business activities must be focused on this central purpose.”

–     Brian Tracy

When anyone makes the decision to start a business, they usually develop a plan that serves as a road map to satisfy the objectives and to reach the goals they have set for themselves and their enterprise. Much of this planning is aimed at company infrastructure, financing, and sales goals. Yet as important as all of those things are, most folks are concerned with how they’re going to convince people to buy their widgets or take advantage of their services.

Creating and keeping customers is the core of every business, the life-blood that keeps the doors open and pays the bills. We here at Front Door Advertising understand the importance of developing new customer relationships and we make it our business to focus on this central purpose every day. We know that when you’re successful, we’re successful. That’s why we strive to help you develop new and better ways to create and keep happy customers.

A recent example of this is a custom door hanger, in the shape of a tooth, that we created a for a dentist. The front of the door hanger offered a convenient payment plan for orthodontia, and information about obtaining dental insurance. The back of the door hanger contained cost information on the dental insurance being offered, and coupons for specific dental procedures. Let us help you create a unique and cost-effective door hanger for your special offer!

It’s no secret that advertising and marketing messages are assaulting consumers with greater frequency more than ever before. The Internet, cable television, social media, wireless devices, e-mail – all of these approaches for reaching consumers seem endless. And yet, in the midst of this new explosion of information overload, it’s become increasingly evident to many marketing experts that even their most dependable sales channels, clients, and customers appear to be going away. Why is that?

We believe that all of the improved technology that provides instant gratification, has opened a portal of opportunity utilizing door-to-door campaigns, with our custom door hangers at the forefront of this advertising revolution. They are now achieving far better results than they have ever before, because with the explosion in all of these new technologies has come a greater amount of depersonalized engagement with a growing and increasingly fragmenting audience.

And now more than ever, the management and ownership of every business must determine whether the advertising dollars being spent are cost effective for the return on investment (ROI). In today’s competitive marketplace consumers are becoming more frugal and selective with their buying decisions, and advertisers are forced to create effective campaigns with fewer advertising dollars.

Front Door Advertising will fit nicely into today’s leaner marketing budgets. Staying up-to-date with the rapid changes now taking place among consumers, their buying preferences, and how they are making their resulting purchasing decisions is absolutely critical to staying competitive. Consequently, the old-fashioned approach of reaching out to touch consumers directly has witnessed a renaissance among a wide range of consumer demographics hungry to reconnect. One of the best methods of reconnecting with potential customer is by utilizing our custom door hangers.

In Part Two of this article we will discuss how creating a cost-effective advertising campaign utilizing our custom door-hangers can boost your bottom line and help your business establish and maintain lasting customer relationships.

Call us today at 1-888-870-4242 for a FREE quote, or visit our Website at www.fdadvertising.com to see how we can help you develop a winning ad campaign using custom door hangers.