Direct Mail Postcards: 6” x 11” Super-Salespersons Who Don’t Eat, Sleep, or Call in Sick – Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, we discussed how our direct-mail postcard marketing system begins with a proven three-step formula to produce the highest quality product, along with highly accurate delivery systems that insure that your direct-mail postcard reaches your target market.

All of us at Front Door Advertising have successfully dispelled the misconception that print advertising is dead by creating outstanding campaigns for our clients. Our proven formula of utilizing direct-mail postcards will not only drive potential customers to your door, they will be the most durable advertisement that you can use to promote your products and/or services. They never eat, sleep, or call in sick!

When considering a new approach to marketing your products and/or services, being able to answer the operative question –   “What are we getting for our investment?” is not only mandatory, it is just good business sense to have the answer at your fingertips when exploring any means of marketing or advertising. Experienced marketers know that when they spend money on a marketing campaign, they must realize profits in order to assess the Return on Investment (ROI).

And in our experience, business managers and owners want to know whether our products and services are appropriate for their business. At Front Door Advertising, we pride ourselves on helping a wide array of industries place their message strategically to get in front of their target audience. Here is a sampling of the types of businesses and industries that we have helped to create successful print-advertising campaigns using direct-mail postcards.

Health and Fitness

The health industry continues to grow rapidly, and is becoming more saturated with each passing year. The competition has never been fiercer, and the need to promote your company professionally and affordably has never been greater. You need to attract new clients or new members, retain the ones you have, and make your brand top of mind for the services that you provide.

At Front Door Advertising, we help the health and fitness industry connect with clients over multiple direct media touch points. Executing a marketing strategy that effectively utilizes direct-mail postcards, along with other lead-generating methods will enable your brand to reach new clients and communicate with existing ones wherever they may be. Our proven system is a comprehensive approach to attracting new clients.

Retail Shops and Products

Consumers are savvy and frugal these days, comparing prices before they even walk out the door. The objective: to get the best deal for the best price. Front Door Advertising provides the ideal vehicle for your offers in an exclusive setting.

Front Door Advertising offers an exclusive, effective location-based strategy that’s lower in cost than other traditional forms of advertising. We work with you to ensure that you build and broaden awareness in a competitive retail industry and increase store traffic. By attracting and retaining new clients, we want to encourage same-store sales and knock out the competition.

Service Providers

Regardless of what type of service you provide, you will need to make sure that your message stands out. To do so, you must reach your target audience in order to create opportunities to sell these customers on your service. Direct-mail postcards for service companies are not only relevant, they are essential for companies that need to introduce themselves, or their new services to the market.

And if you are still trying to reach the market, or expand your market scope in order to gain a greater market share, it is essential to spend valuable marketing and advertising dollars on proven marketing tools like direct-mail postcards.


Diners tend to frequent places they’re familiar with, restaurants that provide great food, outstanding service, and comfortable atmosphere. Convincing them to dine with you can be tricky, but by positioning your offerings and promotions with perfect presentation at the right time and place, you will have them coming back for more.

For restaurants that provide delivery service, direct-mail postcards are a great way to get special offers to your customer’s doors. With direct-mail postcards you are able to reach your customers and hit them with your special offer when they come home and open their mailbox. Take advantage of this factor when consumers are looking for new dining experiences.

Front Door Advertising offers several examples of custom direct-mail postcards that can be viewed at in standard and jumbo sizes. Call us today at 1-888-754-4111 for a FREE quote to see how Front Door Advertising can help your business create a winning direct-mail campaign.