Door Hangers: Common Sense Advertising to Boost Your Bottom Line – Part One

  • doorhangers

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“If our foresight were as good as our hindsight, then we’d be a damned-sight better off.”

– Jackie Gleason


Vacation season has started to wind down, and if you listen closely, you can almost hear the school bells starting to ring again. Consumers are switching gears from the laid back mindset of Summer, to the structured routine of Autumn. Advertising campaigns have morphed from swim suits and sunscreen to mufflers and overcoats. Advertisers are jockeying for position in the marketplace and the consumer is the winner in this annual rite of marketing passage.

Yet within this blinding blitz of advertising activity, business owners can easily be seduced by the glimmer and glitz offered by the newest high-tech marketing and advertising mediums and methods. We believe it is our job to help you sort out all of the available advertising options that scream for prominence during this transitional time of year. Let our foresight help you create a winning advertising campaign by utilizing our custom door-hangers.

Front Door Advertising offers effective print advertising solutions, without all of the glitz and glimmer, that are custom designed to help alleviate marketing and advertising fear and confusion for business owners, regardless of experience level. We make it our business to eliminate as many of the big question marks to effective and efficient advertising, while at the same time quelling the many fears that often create roadblocks in the realm of marketing and advertising. In other words, we integrate high-tech with common sense to create solid advertising campaigns that work.

You know that marketing your business is one of the essential keys to your success. Your advertising investment not only helps you create and establish your brand, but it puts your brand out there, allowing you to generate new customers, and to insure return customers. But how do you know that you’re making the right investment in order to get the best return?

Businesses are constantly challenged to find cost-effective ways to advertise in order to gain market share, win new customers, and retain current customers. For the past few years, businesses have been struggling to deal with changing economic conditions, forcing them to continually analyze their campaigns in order to figure out what is working and what needs to be changed.

Whenever any business or corporation considers a new approach to marketing, they must constantly analyze the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Ultimately, they must be able to answer the question, “What are we getting for our investment?” Experienced marketers know that when they spend money on a marketing campaign, they must realize profits in order to justify further expenditures in that direction.

Every business must determine whether the advertising dollars being spent are cost effective for the return on their investment (ROI). In today’s competitive marketplace consumers are becoming more frugal and selective with their buying decisions, and advertisers are continually challenged to create effective campaigns with fewer advertising dollars.

Front Door Advertising fits perfectly into today’s leaner marketing budgets. The affordable options that we offer, coupled with high visibility “calls-to-action” are efficient and effective savings-based approaches to marketing that are particularly suited to high value offers and well recognized brands.

Front Door Advertising also offers an alternative medium that produces effective results, but costs half as much as the more conventional advertising mediums, including direct mail. Door hangers are a cost-effective advertising option that delivers a powerful offer that your prospects can hold and keep until they make their buying decision.

Yet door hangers in and of themselves are only one part of the equation. What good is your high-value offer if it doesn’t reach your target market? That’s where our fail-safe quality control measures come into play, to insure that your advertising message reaches your prospective customers.

In part two of this article we’ll explore this winning formula to see how our system works, and to understand how we can help you to develop a powerful advertising campaign for your business.

Front Door Advertising offers over 20 examples of custom door hangers that can be viewed at in standard and jumbo sizes. Call us today at 1-888-870-4242 for a FREE quote to see how Front Door Advertising can help your business create a winning campaign.

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