Folded Mailers: Delivering the Old-Fashioned Value That Consumers Want and Need – Part One

“You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to an hour.”
− Jim Rohn

It’s a simple concept really, yet sometimes folks have difficulty defining value, because it can mean different things to different groups of people.

Farmers find great value in large quantities of horse manure, but beyond that select group, not many people keep a stockpile of it in their back yard. Yet farmers and consumers alike find value in the crops that are fertilized in that way. The local bar owner and the members of MADD are often at odds over the different values placed upon the rights of each group that they serve, yet the values of each entity aims to eliminate roadway fatalities just the same.

And even though you have a set of values in your business, that govern how you serve your customers, your business isn’t just about selling your products or services to consumers – your business must provide value to everyone who sees your marketing or advertising message. Tall order. Add to that idea, the fact that value is inherent in the attitude of the buyer, and immediately the simplicity of the advertising message becomes paramount. Keeping it simple doesn’t mean “dumbing down,” or pandering, it means being concise and succinct.

We here at Front Door Advertising understand not only what a great advertising message must contain, we also understand that it must grab your prospect quickly, providing concise, succinct information that will define the value of your product or service to your target market. You must make them see how your products will make their lives better – for the price you’re asking.

The aftermath of the 2009 recession forced businesses to adjust their advertising strategies and budgets in order to compensate for the deterioration in the economic landscape. Business owners had to refocus their sights in order to hit their target markets, while staying on budget, and making sure that their advertising message was producing a healthy return for their investment (ROI). Producing an effective advertising message that really reached into the psyche of potential consumers was the key.

Reaching potential customers is still the goal, yet the problem that remains is the fact that the target markets keep moving. Economic conditions, coupled with rising unemployment rates, affected consumer confidence and spending, making it more difficult for advertisers to craft effective marketing strategies. Even in the past few years of limited economic recovery, it’s still difficult to know when and where consumers are going to look for their desired type of value.

Consumers still utilize up to four different media sources in formulating their buying decisions, making the job for marketers and advertisers even more difficult. Determining which media resources to use, and how often to blitz with an advertising message, is the dilemma. Making these decisions can be agonizing, and that’s where we come in, helping you make intelligent, effective use of one of the least utilized mediums – folded mailers.

The whirlwind of doubt and confusion, complicated by cost, become factors in the equation, especially when coupled with multiple media options. Most advertisers are spreading their messages – and their budgets – too thin, creating mixed messages that consumers often misinterpret. The resulting chaos could mean that the value of your advertising message may often be blurred, which means lost revenue, which ultimately kills your bottom line.

And all of the multiple channels that you can utilize to reach your target market will have an impact on your bottom line: The Internet, Social Media, Cable television advertising, radio spots, e-mail, and SMS text messaging. Each of these mediums provides most businesses with variable options to capture market share, yet as attractive as these avenues appear, they can be very expensive, and less effective than the simple power of our custom folded mailers.

Why deliver a broad-based advertising message, that may reach thousands of people, but without any idea of how many of those consumers are really seeing or hearing the message – and more importantly – how many of those potential customers are acting on that message? Remember, your job is to provide everyone in your target market with a concise, succinct message that delivers value to them, and revenue to you.

The old-fashioned approach of personalized advertising, through direct-mail and door-to-door campaigns, is elevating consumers appreciation for the time and effort that you put into determining their wants and needs. Also, by utilizing key demographics, you can hit your target market, with a concise, succinct advertising message that offers consumers what they really want and need.

Front Door Advertising allows you to reach this growing market more efficiently and effectively than ever before. And now, with advances in rapid measurement, we can do so using controlled, precision-based technology that gives you an advantage that your competition may not be using. In Part 2 of this article we will discuss our four-step system that we utilize to insure that your direct-mail folded mailers are delivered to your specifications.

You have a set of values in your business, that govern how you serve your customers. Yet your business isn’t just about selling your products or services to consumers – your business must provide value to everyone who sees your marketing or advertising message. Your job is to deliver a cost-effective, concice, succinct offer that reaches your target market, providing value to potential customers, while providing you with the pay that you bring to the hour. Our job is to help you create an effective advertising campaign for your business utilizing our Folded Mailers.

Call us today at 1-888-870-4242 for a FREE quote, or visit our Website at to see how we can help you develop a winning ad campaign using custom folded mailers to improve conversion rates, improve ROI, and boost your bottom line!