Let Door Hangers Hit the “Sweet Spot” for Your Target Market – Part One

One good customer, well taken care of, could be worth more than $10,000.00 worth of advertising.

–     Jim Rohn
Customer service is the bedrock of our business philosophy here at Front Door Advertising. Our primary focus is on taking care of our clients, through every facet and phase of the process that we use to design and create a winning advertising campaign for them. We don’t just provide a printed product, we develop a solid business relationship with each client, one that will endure beyond the sale itself.

The frigid winter months loom on the horizon, and soon the cold weather will be upon us. And even with the change in seasons, the prospect of larger market shares, along with increased sales and profits permeate the coming winter blast. But are you as a business owner or manager poised to take advantage of the opportunities that the colder weather presents? We here at Front Door Advertising are ready, and we will help you capitalize on the wave of consumer spending that will commence with the winter season!

Front Door Advertising offers effective print advertising solutions, custom designed to help alleviate marketing and advertising fear and confusion for business owners, regardless of experience level. Our custom door hangers will help your business hit your target market “sweet spot” efficiently and effectively. We make it our business to eliminate as many of the big question marks to effective and efficient advertising, while at the same time quelling the many fears that often create roadblocks in the realm of marketing and advertising.

The management and ownership of every business must determine whether the advertising dollars being spent are cost effective for the return on investment (ROI). In today’s competitive marketplace consumers are becoming more frugal and selective with their buying decisions, and advertisers are forced to create effective campaigns with fewer advertising dollars.

Front Door Advertising will fit nicely into today’s leaner marketing budgets. Some of the options that Front Door Advertising offers are gift cards, sweepstakes, and tear-off offers. These options, coupled with high visibility “calls-to-action” are savings-based approaches to marketing that are particularly suited to high value offers and well recognized brands.

Front Door Advertising offers an alternative medium that produces effective results, but costs half as much as the more conventional advertising mediums, including direct mail. Door hangers are a cost-effective advertising option that delivers a powerful offer that your prospects can hold and keep until they make their buying decision.

In today’s competitive marketplace consumers are more savvy and selective with their money and their buying decisions, forcing advertisers to create effective campaigns with fewer advertising dollars. This combination forces businesses to determine whether the money being spent is cost effective for the return on investment (ROI).

In order to maximize your ROI, your goal as an advertiser is to put the core of your budget into what counts most – repeat sales and developing new customers. All of this can be achieved through inexpensive beta testing and sampling that can be done in an inexpensive and effective way, allowing you to roll out an already tested, winning campaign.

We also offer custom mapping for the distribution of your advertising message, with no zip code or zone restrictions. We can customize your distribution area by using street boundaries, or by doing a radius around your location. All of these options will insure that your target market is reached quickly and easily.

And unlike other companies, Front Door Advertising provides Solo Distribution which delivers your offer exclusively, meaning that there won’t be any competing messages being distributed in your target area at the same time. This will help maximize ROI.

Maximizing ROI also means hitting a receptive audience with a relevant message, and that’s what we call hitting the “sweet spot.” Front Door Advertising is in the business of not only creating that “sweet spot,” but hitting it with compelling door hangers that will insure that your advertising investment pays maximum dividends.

Our direct-to-door ad campaigns are proven effective, with an unbeatable quality guarantee, and with a track record of high ROI’s for our clients. So what makes direct marketing utilizing door hangers a “sweet spot?”

Imagine the power of a door hanger ad that that not only costs at least 50% less than more conventional advertising mediums, but also shows your existing and prospective customers your high-value offer, in a message that will drive them into your store week after week. After all, repeat sales is the goal and research studies have shown that it is far cheaper to sell to current customers than it is to develop new customer relationships.

Yet door hangers in and of themselves are only one part of the equation. What good is your high-value offer if it doesn’t reach your target market? That’s where our fail-safe quality control measures come into play, to insure that your advertising message reaches your prospective customers. In part two of this article we’ll explore this winning formula to see how our system works, and to understand how we can help you to develop a powerful advertising campaign for your business.

Front Door Advertising offers over 20 examples of custom door hangers that can be viewed at fdadvertising.com in standard and jumbo sizes. Call us today at
1-888-754-4111 for a FREE quote to see how Front Door Advertising can help your business create a winning campaign.