Three Hidden Dangers That Threaten Your Business and How to Avoid Them – Part Two

“Be different if it means higher personal and professional standards. Be different if it means being more gracious and considerate to others. Be different if it means putting more time and effort into all you do. And be different if it means taking the calculated risk”
− Dennis Waitley

In Part One of this article we talked about how customer service is the bedrock of our business philosophy here at Front Door Advertising. Our primary focus is on taking care of our clients, through every facet and phase of the process that we use to design and create a winning advertising campaign for them. We don’t just provide a printed product, we develop a solid business relationship with each client, one that will endure beyond the sale itself.

We understand that you’ve worked hard to be different from the crowd, to create your Unique Selling Proposition, and offer goods and services that will create loyal customers who come back to your business regularly. So why risk all of your hard work that you’ve put in just to miss the mark? Custom door-hangers are a tried and true means of getting your targeted message into the hands of your customers until they decide to buy from you.

Yet as powerful an advertising medium as our custom door-hangers are, there remain many misconceptions about utilizing printed advertising to gain market share and drive your potential customers to your door. And given the plethora of available options to advertise your business, it can be a daunting task to come up with an effective mix to achieve the results that will bolster your bottom line.

We make it our business to eliminate as many of the big question marks to effective and efficient advertising, while at the same time quelling the many fears that often create roadblocks in the realm of marketing and advertising. In other words, we integrate high-tech with common sense to create solid advertising campaigns that work.

As a business owner, you know that marketing your business is one of the essential keys to your success. Your advertising investment not only helps you create and establish your brand, but it puts your brand out there, allowing you to generate new customers, and to insure return customers. But how do you know that you’re making the right investment in order to get the best return?

Businesses are constantly challenged to find cost-effective ways to advertise in order to gain market share, win new customers, and retain current customers. And although this can be be a process of elimination, it doesn’t have to be a painful exercise that takes years to perfect. We understand that your time is money, and to that end we have pinpointed three hidden dangers that threaten your business – and proven methods of avoiding them.

Sitting on the Fence Will Only Cause “But Callouses”

Indecision is a business killer.

Second-guessing yourself can become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your competition will sit around and wait while you make up your mind as to how to best market your business. Your time is money, and that’s why we take the time to help you explore all of your options within the realm of printed advertising.

We help solve the “fence-sitting” dilemma by helping you make the decision to advertise with our custom door-hangers. It’s not only cost-effective, it’s a proven means of getting more market share, and ultimately bigger profits.

And dollar-for-dollar our custom door-hangers are one of the best values that you can utilize within your business to reach your target market.

Missing the Mark (Targeting your market)

One of the biggest problems with all of the “scatter-gun” approaches to the “neo-marketing” philosophy is that although these methods reach huge numbers of potential customers, they are spotty at best.

The reason?

They aim for quantity, not quality.

What good is it to you and your business if you reach many thousands of potential buyers and only a handful of them are within your target market? And furthermore, how much time and money have you wasted in the process of reaching those worthless leads?

That problem is solved without undue stress by utilizing our custom door-hangers, which cost far less in the long run than any of the mass-appeal methods available to you.

Making each Dollar Count (Maximizing ROI)